make (someone) stronger and more confident
to give power!
Since 2017, California’s institutional population has hovered at about 115,000 inmates who are slated to be released on any given quarter, creating a released population of over 45,500 individuals who are on parole or post-release supervision. As these individuals return to their communities, the challenges faced by this population are enormous: having a record, spending years behind bars leaving gaps in work history, disbanded familial/community ties, and an overwhelming fear of going back inside.
Human Works Foundation is taking a proactive, holistic stance: committed to reducing recidivism by redefining reentry for our justice-impacted and transitional population. Our EMPOWER programs are grounded in a belief in the intrinsic dignity and worth of each person, guiding trauma-impacted folks in discovering their own resilience, while also building the skills associated with healthy social, emotional, and identity development.
EMPOWER includes:
Evidence-based + gender-responsive group counseling
Basic financial planning with FREE 1:1 session with a financial coach
Holistic therapeutic classes (yoga, wave + water therapy, testimonials)
Access to supportive services via our National network, UniteUs
In partnership with our incredible social, humanitarian, and civic organizations, HWF has been able to offer sustainable vocational training to folks who need immediate placement in these high-paying green collar jobs. Through our newest partnership with iTrain/WIOA, we are thrilled to offer these career pathways!
Through this valued partnership, we are currently internally developing other high skilled trade programs to serve our network of clients.
Ready To Supercharge Your Own Financial Literacy Skills?
We’re here to help! Money 101 is not just creating a budget and opening a checking account. Our experienced team views Obstacles as Opportunities, and we've created a space to explore while crafting a 1:1 solution tailored to your unique financial experience. Wherever you are on your journey, we are here to walk with you every step of the way!

Opening a checking and saving account
Budgeting for large expenses like rent
Learn about credit - How to Apply & Get rid of Bad credit
Identity theft
Understanding your paycheck - Preparing for Garnishment
How to use free credit check services like credit karma
Q&A - Have your questions answered by Lori